Rechtenstudenten van de Oriental and African Studies van de University of London kregen een bizarre casus voorgelegd bij hun examen strafrecht. Desalniettemin: weet jij het antwoord? Stuur je inzending naar de redactie van
De casus: “The defendant, Oliver O’Leary, met the deceased, Gayle Gaga, in the Pokerface Nightclub on the 22nd September 2008. The defendant escorted Miss Gaga to her home where she invited him in. After having a cup of coffee, the defendant, with Miss Gaga’s consent, had sexual intercourse with Miss Gaga by penetrating her vagina with his penis. Subsequently, and also with her consent, he penetrated her rectum with his hand (2 sexual acts). Miss Gaga suffered internal cuts caused by a signet ring on Mr O’Leary’s hand. Miss Gaga did not realise for some time that her injuries were very serious. After a period of two weeks, she was admitted to hospital where she died of septicaemia. It was proven, conclusively, that the septicaemia was a direct result of the cuts caused by Mr O’Leary’s ring.”
Wat vind jij? Moet Oliver O’Leary de bak in of niet? Wat is een gepaste straf voor het rectaal verminken, met de dood van Lady Gaga tot gevolg? Stuur het antwoord met doortimmerde juridische onderbouwing naar